"Family law in the European framework", online meeting promoted by the Cagliari Bar Association
On Monday, 13 December 2021, at 4:00 p.m., an online meeting was held (on the Zoom platform). The meeting was entitled: "Family Law in the European Framework" and was promoted by a collaboration between the Cagliari Bar Association, Unicam. Pravri and EUFamPro.
Speakers included Prof. Lucia Ruggeri - Director of the School of Specialisation in Civil Law at the University of Camerino, who spoke on "Property aspects of marital crises: divorce settlement in the prism of the principles of European family law", Prof. Sandra Winkler, Uniri - University of Rijeka, who spoke about "The need for Europeanisation of family law".
Ylenia Spiga, Councillor of the Bar Association of Cagliari, introduced and coordinated the meeting.
The EU-FamPro project "E-training on Family Property regimes" was presented during the meeting.
di Roberto Garetto
14 December 2021